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At Aidyn, we are continuously enhancing our platform and actively seeking new partnerships with progressive educators who are passionate about advancing education and AI. Join us in our mission by exploring more about our vision below.

More Information

Aidyn is a platform that is currently in its alpha stage. This means that we are still in the early phases of development, and we are actively testing and refining our product. However, we are excited to announce that this year we will be moving into our beta-stage, which will be a major step forward in our journey.


As we prepare for this next phase, we are looking for educators who are passionate about our mission and vision to join us. By getting involved in the beta stage, you will have the unique opportunity to be an early adopter of our platform and to help shape its development. You will also have access to exclusive benefits, such as personalized support and training, and the ability to provide feedback directly to our development team.


We believe that our platform has the potential to transform the way that educators teach and students learn, and we are excited to share this vision with others who are equally passionate about education.


If you are interested in joining us on this journey, we encourage you to reach out to us and learn more about how you can get involved.

Signing Up

By signing up and contacting us below, you will be taking an important step towards shaping the future of education. As a beta tester and early adopter of our platform, you will have the opportunity to provide valuable feedback and insights that will help us improve and refine our product. You will also be part of a community of like-minded educators who are committed to improving the learning experience for students around the world.




Students walking to their AI class
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