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The core skillsets to develop during your academic education:

Critical Thinking

developing the ability to analyze and evaluate information in a logical and systematic way enabling you to consider alternative viewpoints and explore new areas of research.

Problem Solving

learning to break down complex issues into manageable parts and using a logical approach to find solutions enhancing creativity and adaptability in tackling real-world issues.



the ability to effectively express and exchange ideas with others, learning to persuade, provide feedback, actively listen to alternative viewpoints, and enhance mutual understanding.



The rise of free AI language models have a direct impact on these skills.

Aidyn AI Oral Exam Booth

With the current shift in readily available AI resources, students are increasingly relying on these tools to complete assignments, papers, and theses, which risks diminishing the value of essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.


Aidyn provides a solution to this challenge by offering an AI-powered oral examination platform that ensures students continue to develop these skills. By using an AI language model, archived exam data, and lecturer input, Aidyn creates an interactive examination experience where students learn to apply their newly acquired knowledge in live discussions and presented scenarios.


With Aidyn, educators can be confident that their students are developing the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their academic, professional, and personal pursuits, even in a world increasingly impacted by language models.

How it works

Key features

  • An intuitive platform for oral testing, powered by AI, that fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills among students.

  • An interactive testing experience that features live discussions and scenario-based questions, providing students with a dynamic and engaging way to demonstrate their knowledge.

  • Our platform uses AI language models, combined with a vast archive of exam data and lecturer input, to deliver the most effective and accurate testing experience possible.

  • Our platform provides detailed reports and analytics to help educators track student progress and identify areas where additional support may be needed, while also gathering valuable feedback from students to continuously improve the testing experience.

Key benefits

  • Our platform ensures that students keep developing the core academic skillset in a rapidly changing world, equipping them with the knowledge and abilities they need to thrive in their academic and professional pursuits.

  • With our engaging and interactive learning experience, students are able to fully immerse themselves in the material, leading to deeper understanding and better retention of information.

  • Our platform creates a level playing field for all students, regardless of health conditions or impairments, ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

  • By streamlining the exam creation and grading process, our platform helps educators save valuable time and energy that can be better spent on teaching and supporting their students.

  • Our detailed reports and analytics provide educators with actionable insights to continuously improve the learning experience, ensuring that students receive the best possible education.


At Aidyn, we are deeply committed to prioritizing ethical considerations in the development and deployment of our AI-based educational product.


First and foremost, we uphold the privacy of our students by implementing stringent data protection measures and ensuring that personal information remains secure and confidential at all times.

Secondly, we emphasize the importance of traceability and accountability in our AI solution, meticulously tracking and monitoring the questions and answers generated by our system to guarantee accuracy, fairness, and reliability in the learning process.

Lastly, we take a sustainable approach to AI development by utilizing smaller, local AI programs, which not only promote efficiency but also significantly reduce energy consumption compared to larger models.


Our unwavering dedication to these ethical principles ensures that we deliver an education solution that is secure, responsible, and environmentally friendly.


Tracability & accountability


Students discussing the future of AI in education

Want to learn more?

We're excited to announce that Aidyn is in the Alpha stage of development, and we're looking for educators to join us in our mission to transform education!


If you're passionate about improving the learning experience for students and would like to be part of our beta testing phase later this year, please leave your contact information by filling out the form below. We'll be in touch within a few days.

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Toernooiveld 100

6525 EC Nijmegen

The Netherlands

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